Friday, April 29, 2005
The blog goes mobile
Just a short post now to try out 'mail to blog' on my Blackberry. As I spend more time on the road, I want to make real use of the mobile facilities at my disposal. Let's see how this works.
Sent with Instant Email from T-Mobile
Thursday, April 28, 2005
News from the Firewall
However, as we have seen many times before, solving one problenm simply sends the vast army of very clever individuals out to find a new way of making money out of the dark side of the net. Happy surfing.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
To Pee or not to Pee, that is the question

Monday, April 18, 2005
Hungry Week - go a little hungry to highlight a major imbalance
This situation is not inevitable. According to the World Health Organisation, there are 2,750 calories of food per day for every person in the world at current production levels – enough to provide everyone with their minimum nutritional needs every day – and still have some to spare.
Take 30 seconds now to register your interest in this campaign. Then from 13th June this year, spend seven days feeling a little (or a lot) hungry.
One of our team, Jeremy Dent has just undertaken a Hungry Week in which he lived on 1,000 calories a day. His comment on Day 6 was "You know those things you take on rather glibly - giving your own time; helping someone out; giving to part with resources but it isn't too painful. Try parting with one of the most fundamental resources you need: shelter, companionship, love, warmth
My 1,000 cals a day diet this week has affected me fundamentally. It has changed my attitude to food, what we use it for, how people suffer without it, how listless you become on a below-par diet."
Please, if you do nothing else - do this. It costs you nothing except a little weight and it could be big enough for the politicians to hear us. In the 21st century there should not be such a shocking situation where some of us stuff ourselves with plenty whilst others die through lack of basic nutrition.

Sunday, April 03, 2005
Creating Excuses
As I may have noted here before, the move to Cornwall was made to free me up to write more and better stuff. Then I chose to get involved with activity taking place in other parts of the UK and other parts of the world. Travelling may broaden the mind (and the backside) but it also adds costs to life and makes those of us who are getting on in years more tired.
However, I am where I am and that is precisely where I wanted to be. Somehow in the welter of activity that has been the past year, we have moved to where we want to be (well, perhaps a little further from the sea but it's only five minutes away) and are beginning to recognise the benefits of living in Cornwall. So why make excuses for the fact that I've been spending some time in the garden getting it straight (I'm hired labour not the creative element!) and I've been enjoying the environment I'm in. Most of the pressure I feel is self-made and it can be sorted. Instead of sitting here in front of my computer, I should be relaxing ready for a busy day tomorrow.
Oh yes - Broadband arrived in the new place on Friday. 2MBs of it! The difference between dial up and Broadband just got much bigger. Now I'm back on Broadband, I will commit to putting this blog out there more often. So, if anyone is listening - good night and speak soon.